By Sharon Merrill Associates
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By Sharon Merrill Associates
Investor Relations, Trends, IR Trends, Investor Relations Trends, what's in and what's out
What makes Sharon Merrill Associates excel in the world of strategic communications? Trust. Experience. Resilience. Passion. Vision. Perspective. Partnerships. Take a look at our story and see how we leverage these qualities to help you build value.
Succession Planning, Investor Relations Agency, Crisis Communications, Investor Relations, Corporate Communications
Global cybercrime damages are expected to exceed $6 trillion annually by 2021. From hacks of mobile payment and other non-traditional payment systems to data manipulation and sabotage, the external threats to operations and customer and investor perception seem to increase daily. We recently sat down with cybersecurity expert William S. Rogers Jr. of Prince Lobel Tye LLP, a Boston law firm whose attorneys handle matters of local, regional, national and international reach. Rogers, who is chair of the firm’s Data Privacy and Security Practice Group, discussed cybersecurity regulation and its impact on public and private companies.
Strategic Messaging, Corporate Governance, Board of Directors, Reputation Management, Investor Relations, Cybersecurity, Investor Relations Trends, Corporate Communications, IR Compliance, crisis communication plan, cybersecurity communication plan, crisis preparation
The Sharon Merrill team would like to welcome 2018 with our rendition of a new year's classic.
May last year’s losses be forgot,
And profits maximized,
The market’s soaring to new heights,
New tax plans emphasized
For all this crazy year has brought,
This insanely wacky year,
The folks on Wall Street don’t seem to mind,
Since investors have no fear
Bill Harts is the CEO of Modern Markets Initiative (MMI), an advocacy organization devoted to the role of technological innovation in creating the world’s best markets. MMI engages and educates public audiences about the value modern market professionals provide to today’s electronic marketplace. Harts is known in the financial services industry as a pioneer of algorithmic trading, as well as an authority on financial market structure and applied technology for trading.
Q: Thank you very much for being here, Bill. Can you tell us about Modern Markets Initiative? What are your goals?
A: Modern Markets Initiative first came together in late 2013. Our mission has always been to educate people about what high-frequency trading is, how it works and most importantly, how it saves a lot of money for investors and continues to do so every day. Also, we wanted to serve as a resource to let investors and issuers alike understand the important role of high frequency trading in the trading ecosystem.
Investor Relations, high-frequency trading, HFT, equity trading, trading, equity markets
Investor Relations, Trends, IR Trends, 2017, Investor Relations 2017, 2017 Trends, In-N-Out IR 2017, what's in and what's out 2017, Investor Relations Trends, IR 2017, what's in and what's out
It’s once again time for our tongue-in-cheek roadmap of what’s in and what’s out in investor relations, and more, for the upcoming year. We hope you enjoy, and have a happy and successful 2016.
(to the tune of “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”)
It’s the most opportune time of the year
With the calendar limping
Valuations dipping
Investors still hear
It’s the most opportune time of the year